Wednesday 25 October 2023

Richard Roundtree - d. October 24th 2023

Harlem needs its heroes too, cats
that won't cop out and won't be
nothin but badass. You're uptown,
kickin on a door on a ghetto backlot,
a door into consciousness and style.
You're gonna have to close it yourself.


Bill Kenwright - d. October 23rd 2023

Some watch from the wings;
others build the stage, seed
the pitch, lead the songs, feed
their passions, do something
with a dream, and let it breed.


Bobby Charlton - d. October 21st 2023

When this world is too full
of goalhangers, how much
we cherish those who burst
from midfield with the ball,
a humble juggernaut; a touch,
SHOOT! Unlikely, unstoppable.


Tony Husband - d. October 18th 2023

The dark Ministry wheezes,
breathless with mediocrity.
The streets are full of yobs
swaggering into conscious print.
And yet, one stroke of a pen
and this, all of this, is pricked. 

Piper Laurie - d. October 14th 2023

These are godless times;
actors wade through blood
for men and their lenses.
I came home to a dark house
to find you lighting candles
to me and my teenage horror.

Pippa Latour - d. October 7th 2023

Here’s to a life in the dark:
the sky you fell from; the
unlit lanes and assignations
under a war-torn moon; the
family who never guessed
how you set Europe ablaze. 

Terence Davies - d. October 7th 2023

I am sat with you in the boozer,
nursing a black-and-tan, sodden
with song, looking for little victories,
stolen notes of pleasure that come
only once every Preston Guild. 

Francis Lee - d. October 2nd 2023

Penalty! Down you go then up
you get to smash in from the spot,
chest bulging like a keg of lager,
sky blue blood, face in the mud,
one foul away from a fistfight.

Pat Arrowsmith - d. September 27th 2023

Can we march together? You lead
and we will follow. We number 100
and more, marching to a place with
no bombs, no cells, the struggle won,
where the only thing mutually assured
is love.

Michael Gambon - d. September 27th 2023

You blister in the bed of memory,
the world actors create; real, whole,
a plotting of dreams. Your character
sings from gramophones of the soul
as your skin shrivels, cracks, falls away
to reveal the role beneath the role.

David McCallum - d. September 25th 2023

Open Channel D; a yearning message
beams in from a million sighing teens to
their agent of cool. Escape is not an option;
the mission calls. Medium atomic weights
are available: he has been reassigned.


Lou Deprijck - d. September 19th 2023

Wham! Bam! Le son du punk

vu à travers un filtre dayglo,
fanfaronner sans cracher, pogo
sans polémique, anarchie
caricaturale, et pourtant,
et pourtant, ça plane pour moi.
Wham! Bam! The sound of punk
seen through a dayglo filter,
swagger without spit, pogo
without polemic, cartoon anarchy,
and yet, and yet, it's ok by me.

Roger Whitaker - d. September 13th 2023

There is a backwater of music
for bearded folk dreamers,
troubadours in hush puppies,
cheerful whistlers in the prows
of boats that are always leaving
but never reach their destination.

Gayle Hunnicutt - d. August 31st 2023

Your name on the marquee,
almost certainly misspelt.
Your face on the screen,
almost certainly misplaced.
Your life on the credits,
almost certainly misremembered.