Monday 31 August 2020

Chadwick Boseman - d. August 28th 2020

Run forever, hero,
hand in hand with Bast
and Sekhmet, across
the endless veld,
where beautiful men
drop to one knee, bow,
and are held up to the sky.

Read about Chadwick Boseman here

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Julian Bream - d. August 14th 2020

Come heavy sleep
and still the strings,
the squeak of frets,
the brush of fingertips,
the memory of timbre:
all else is resonance.

Read about Julian Bream here

Ben Cross - d. August 18th 2020

The screen life affords
just ten lonely seconds
to justify your existence,
to take arrows of desire,
speed, passion, elegance,
and secure them in time. 

Read about Ben Cross here

Saturday 8 August 2020

Wayne Fontana - d. August 6th 2020

After the game concludes
come the impossible years,
the impossible decades,
6-minute slots to deaf ears,
where groovy turns to gravy,
and yet, and yet, you were here.

Sunday 2 August 2020

C P Lee - d. July 25th 2020

I learned to write this gibberish
in your mindless classroom - 
you, fluent in every language 
(except the serious ones), all
in sub-dialects of Mancunian,
words and music made bonkers,
blown like snuff into the world.